Sherri and Joe will never forget the night Macy was born. They looked into her eyes and fell deeply, unconditionally in love.
But moments later came Macy’s diagnosis: Down syndrome. “We were intimidated, and we were scared,” says Sherri. Like many parents, Sherri and Joe worried about their daughter's future after they learned about the intellectual and physical disabilities associated with Down syndrome.

But in that vulnerable moment, Sherri had a thought that brought her great comfort...Special Olympics. “I felt there was hope!”

Macy started out in the Special Olympics Young Athletes Program, a place where she met friends and developed a wide range of skills and abilities.

Today Macy is 11 years old, and competes on the Special Olympics Nebraska track and gymnastics team. During the 2019 Summer Games she medaled in several events, including the uneven bars.
Special Olympics depends on donations from caring people like YOU to provide sports training and events to more than 5 million athletes worldwide.
Will you give today to help more athletes and families like Macy’s find the competition, community, and compassion they need to thrive?