A groundbreaking European Union-supported video series launched by Special Olympics Europe Eurasia captured the compelling narratives of the remarkable athletes that competed at the World Games Berlin 2023.
Italian swimmer Anita Greco, Great Britain’s football player Bradley Stuart and German track and field athlete Tamara Röske unveiled their life-changing experience at the world’s biggest inclusive event and the positive impact that taking part in it had on them.
This Berlin 2023 Athlete Legacy Series goes beyond the surface, delving into the personal stories of triumph, resilience and self-discovery that define Special Olympics.
Tamara Röske, a model, actress and clarinet player, is not just a multi-talented individual but also a distinguished athlete representing Special Olympics Germany. "I want to show everyone what I can do," declared Tamara, encapsulating the essence of her participation in the World Games. The Berlin 2023 Legacy Series unravels her story, revealing how her diverse talents converged on the sports stage.
Stuart underscored the transformative influence that sports and Berlin 2023 have had on his identity. "If I never started playing football, I don't think I would ever be who I am today.” He now holds a bronze medal from the World Games and works at trade tools and accessories company Screwfix.
Greco shared her love for open water, describing herself as a “mermaid,” therefore embodying the liberating spirit of the World Games. In a heartfelt revelation, Greco and her family expressed that Berlin 2023 was not just a competition but an unparalleled experience, “the most intense in her life.”
The Special Olympics World Games Berlin 2023 took place from 17 – 25 June in Germany for the first time ever. Thousands of Special Olympics athletes from around the world competed across 26 sports.