As an athlete, how your body moves helps you to play at your best and prevent injury. Physiotherapy, also know as physical therapy, and regular exercise in specific areas can help make sure you stay healthy and fit.
Play the video below to learn more about what physiotherapy is and how it relates to FUNfitness at Special Olympics.
Play the video below to learn more about what physiotherapy is and how it relates to FUNfitness at Special Olympics.
What is Physical Therapy
FUNfitness is a physiotherapy (physical therapy) screening that examines the flexibility, strength, balance, and aerobic fitness of Special Olympics athletes.
Select each icon below to learn more about each focus area of FUNfitness.
Select each icon below to learn more about each focus area of FUNfitness.
What is Balance
What is Aerobic Fitness
What is Strength
What is Flexibility
After Your Screening
Balance is the ability of your body to stay upright or stay in control of your movements.
Exercising regularly can help you meet your fitness goals!
Special Olympics offers fitness programs for every level.