Research & Evaluation in the News
Special Olympics Athletes Gain Health Prevention and Sports Recovery Through Special Olympics Healthy Athletes® Screenings
Healthy Athletes programs, made possible by the Golisano Foundation, has accomplished a big difference in the lives of Special Olympics athletes—most of whom do not have access to regular health care and in some cases, may not have ever seen a doctor.
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Special Olympics Co-Hosts World Health Summit Session on Health Equity for Persons with Disabilities
Special Olympics joined a consortium of global health leaders to highlight the topic of disability inclusion in health and advocate for the needs of persons with disabilities.
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Special Olympics Announces New Rosemary Collaboratory Initiative to Help Strengthen Health Systems to Include those with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Rosemary Kennedy inspired Eunice Kennedy Shriver to found Special Olympics, and Special Olympics is excited to further honor her memory with the newly launched Rosemary Collaboratory.
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Special Olympics Shares Insights on Pursuing Health Equity at the 2023 American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting
Special Olympics Missouri Athlete and Global Health Messenger Allen Tobin Talks About the Benefits of Healthy Athletes and Inclusive Health at the 2023 APHA Annual Meeting.
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Special Olympics Addresses the Issue of Tobacco Use and its Impact on People with Disabilities on The GREAT AMERICAN SMOKEOUT
Special Olympics aims to provide inclusive strategies with National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability (NCHPAD) that address challenges faced by individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) to live smokefree and choose health.
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Special Olympics Calls for Inclusive Access to Diabetes Care on World Diabetes Day
Special Olympics is dedicated to closing the healthcare divide for individuals with IDD by highlighting the significance of diabetes care accessibility and advocating for greater health equity.
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Special Olympics Health Messenger Barbara Njovo Speaks at the World Health Summit in Berlin
Special Olympics, ATScale, CBM Christian Blind Mission, Clinton Health Access Initiative, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), and Missing Billion Initiative, made a strong impression at the recent World Health Summit (WHS) held in Berlin earlier this week.
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National Institutes of Health Designates People with Disabilities as a Population with Health Disparities
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is putting more resources towards addressing health care disparities among people with disabilities through designation and new research program.
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Special Olympics Addresses Need for Early Healthcare Intervention in Light of New Study from CDC
Special Olympics Addresses Need for Early Healthcare Intervention in Light of New Study from CDC
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World Health Organization Director-General Statement at Special Olympics Healthy Athletes Ribbon Cutting Ceremony in Berlin
The World Health Organization was conceived and born in 1948 with a very simple but powerful idea: that health is a human right.
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