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Unified Sports
Inclusive Boulder & Baking Day
Valentina Andreadou
Sarah Schertl
Project Year
Sarah and Valentina engage new Youth Leaders with and without Intellectual Disabilities through a day of Inclusive bouldering and baking!

About the Project Leaders

Sarah is a 21-year-old Youth Leader from Munich. She works at an institution with people with and without Intellectual Disabilities. She also has been a spokesperson for Special Olympics Athletes at Special Olympics Bavaria! Sarah is a part of the Unified Generation because she wants to prove that people with Intellectual Disabilities can participate in sports too!

 Valentina is a 24-year-old Youth Leader from Munich, studying Health Science at the Technical University Munich. This is where she first got involved with Special Olympics when two of her professors recruited her to be a part of “Healthy Athletes”! Valentina is a part of the Unified Generation because she believes it is important to foster an Inclusive environment for Youth starting at an early age to help ensure Youth grow up in an Inclusive world!

The Inspiration

Sarah and Valentina wanted a way to engage new Youth Leaders through sport. They wanted to demonstrate that Youth with ID are equally as capable and create a more inclusive and accepting world for the future!

The Plan

Sarah and Valentina planned to bring Youth with and without Intellectual disabilities through the sport of bouldering. During the day, the Youth pair planned a bouldering session, where every participant would participate in a climb! Afterward, Sarah and Valentina planned a baking session where participants would unwind by baking delicious treats!


Sarah and Valentina hosted and facilitated a successful Inclusive Boulder and Baking Day (B&B Day), where they spread the Special Olympics mission to new places in Munich and recruit new Youth Leaders to be a part of Special Olympics Bayern! Throughout the implementation, the Youth Pair stayed inspired by creating new possibilities and a space for people with and without Intellectual Disabilities to connect and try new things. Sarah and Valentina achieved their goal with their “Inclusive B&B Day” because they were able to spread the Special Olympics mission and recruit more Youth Leaders!

Project Leader Reflection

The Inclusive Boulder and Baking Day taught Sarah and Valentina valuable project management skills. The Youth Pair learned how to delegate tasks and motivate the group to work towards a common goal. They both can use these skills when they are looking to implement large-scale projects. Sarah and Valentina initially had a hard time finding participants for their B&B Day. They overcame this obstacle by scheduling their project on a weekend when more people had increased availability. They are most proud of the fun that the participants had trying new things together! Moving forward, Sarah and Valentina look to continue to further inclusion by continuing to welcome the new members to Special Olympics Bayern and continuing to use this framework to implement a project locally!