On this special edition of Inclusion Revolution Radio and Spotlight Sessions from Special Olympics and accessiBe, David Duncan, Special Olympics Jamaica athlete and Global Athlete Leadership Council member, shares his personal experience advocating for those with disabilities in the workplace.
Hosts Josh Basile, from accessiBe, and Novie Craven speak to the importance of National Disability Employment Awareness Month on this episode, brought to you by Toyota North America. At Toyota, employees belong to an inclusive team, built on collaboration, flexibility and respect. A global partner of Special Olympics since 2017, Toyota supports Special Olympics Unified Sports® activities in the United States and Japan. This partnership models a shared vision of a more inclusive world, combining people of all cultures, backgrounds and abilities.
Sharing his own journey to accessible employment, David explains his role with Special Olympics Jamaica as an IT and activities support. In his leadership role on the Global Athlete Leadership Council, he emphasizes the fulfillment, the sense of purpose that employment can bring to those with disabilities.
This episode is brought to you by Toyota North America—a proud supporter of Special Olympics and mobility for all.
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