Femi Adefeso: Take the first step
Sports media personality Femi Adefeso shares his story of inclusion with athlete leader Romanus Isaiah. Join us in learning how Inclusion Works!
“There is a Chinese proverb—a journey of a 1000 steps starts with just one step. It starts with a step. And once you take a step, you have reduced it by one. You reduce 1000 to 999, and when you take another step you reduce it by one. So, you are getting closer to your dreams if you keep focus.”
A series of video interviews between youth leaders in Africa Region and their personal heroes showcase the best of inclusion across society, from the sports field to the classroom, the work place and even the performance stage. Find out more
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“There is a Chinese proverb—a journey of a 1000 steps starts with just one step. It starts with a step. And once you take a step, you have reduced it by one. You reduce 1000 to 999, and when you take another step you reduce it by one. So, you are getting closer to your dreams if you keep focus.”
Conversations With My Hero
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