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Miguel Francois Jeannot, 2023 Global Athlete Congress Participant

Miguel Francois Jeannot

2023 Global Athlete Congress Participant

Miguel Jeannot is an athlete from Special Olympics Mauritus in the Indian Ocean Mauritus Region and has been involved with Special Olympics since 2013. Miguel participates in athletics, competing in the shotput and discuss.

His favorite part about Special Olympics is inclusion and empowerment.

Miguel is excited for the Congress in Berlin. It is the first time that he is participating in such an event. He is looking forward to meeting other leaders and sharing ideas with them, and is also excited to discover new cultures.

Miguel is employed as a security guard. When Miguel isn’t working or competing, he enjoys writing songs, playing the guitar, reading, cooking, doing research work on the internet, spending time on Facebook, shopping, and traveling.

Miguel says that being an Athlete Leader means that he has the ability to empower athletes to develop leadership skills and utilize their voices to assume meaningful leadership roles, influence change in the Special Olympics movement and create inclusive communities. Miguel also says that being an Athlete Leader allows him the opportunity to benefit from training and support, and to expand his participation both on and off the field. He said that as an Athlete Leader he is convinced that he will have opportunities to hold positions of leadership and influence.

Project Description

Miguel’s project plans to raise the self-esteem for youth with intellectual impairment in Rodrigues Island. His project includes activities in public speaking, and music therapy. Public speaking will increase self-esteem. Activities with mindfulness-based interventions will be carried out to help people with intellectual impairment overcome the effect of low self-esteem. Music therapy will offer opportunities for the participants to engage in identity work and to define, develop, or reflect on their understanding of themselves, as well as to cultivate new experience of self-identity.

Special Olympics Africa 2023 Global Congress Participants


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