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Abdulrhman AlRaqadi, 2023 Global Athlete Congress Participant

Nada Rachid

2023 Global Athlete Congress Participant

Nada Rachid is an athlete from Special Olympics Tunisia in the Middle East North Africa Region. Nada participates in swimming, table tennis, bocce, athletics, football, and basketball. She has been involved in Special Olympics since 2008.

Nada’s favorite part about Special Olympics is the good organization of events.

Nada is excited for the congress in Berlin. She is looking forward to participating in a global congress, as well as sharing ideas and experiences.

Nada is employed at a club for individuals with disabilities. When she isn’t working or competing, she enjoys animation, swimming, and cooking.

Nada says that being an athlete leader means leading others to implement her vision of inclusion.

Project Description

Nada’s grant plan is to support athletes for better integration into social and professional life.

Special Olympics Middle East / North Africa 2023 Global Congress Participants


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