Patricia Peralta is an athlete from Special Olympics Honduras in the Latin America Region. Patricia participates in athletics, resistance race. She has been involved in Special Olympics since 2017.
Patricia’s favorite part about Special Olympics is the sports and the bond that is created between volunteers, families, and the athlete at not only a local level but at a national and even a regional one.
Patricia is excited for the congress in Berlin. She is looking forward to meeting people from all over the world. She is excited to listen and learn about the athletes’ projects. Patricia is also excited to learn about the work that is being done by other athletes in their countries so that she can learn and bring new ideas to her country.
Patricia is attending university to get a degree in nutrition. When Patricia isn’t studying or competing in Special Olympics, she enjoys reading nutrition and self-help books. She also enjoys working out, dancing, and listening to music.
Patricia says that being an athlete leader is an honor and a great responsibility to her since her legacy will be being a person leading a movement and an organization. To Patricia being an athlete leader means that she needs to earn the respect of others with her work and dedication on her actions and decisions. She says that being a leader is showing the way with knowledge and abilities and the way of relating to others. Patricia says that as an athlete leader she aspires to inspire, teach, and show others how to obtain significant roles and accomplish their goals with determination, hard work and effort.
Project Description
Patricia’s grant plan is to train new athletes in unified leadership. Her hope is that by doing this it will raise awareness in the general public about the rights that people with intellectual disabilities have as well as enjoy a life without prejudice or stereotypes.
Special Olympics Latin America 2023 Global Congress Participants
Global Athlete Congress
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Patricia Peralta
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