Create A Community of Acceptance and Respect on Your Campus
Special Olympics college programs connect young adults with and without intellectual disabilities to lead the social inclusion movement of Special Olympics on college campuses. Through shared experiences, campus communities of acceptance and friendship are built.
Find a Special Olympics College Program Near You
Special Olympics college programs are made up of the three components of Special Olympics Unified Champion Schools®: Special Olympics Unified Sports®, Inclusive Leadership, and Whole Campus Engagement. If you would like to connect with a program near you or start one, fill out this interest form.
How To Get Involved on Campus
Special Olympics College Clubs
Special Olympics College Clubs function as an official student organization on campus and are led by students with and without intellectual disabilities. Many clubs also allow Special Olympics athletes from the community to participate as athlete leaders. Members of Special Olympics College Clubs gain experiences participating in Unified Sports and hosting Special Olympics events, thus creating opportunities for meaningful inclusion of people with and without intellectual disabilities in the campus community.
NIRSA - Collegiate Recreation and Special Olympics Unified Intramural Sports
In partnership with NIRSA: Leaders in Collegiate Recreation, hundreds of colleges are providing Unified Intramural Sports leagues on campus. These leagues are inspired by a simple principle: training, playing and competing together is a quick path to friendship, understanding and meaningful inclusion. These leagues welcome student partners and Special Olympics athletes at any level of skill or experience.
NCAA Division III
Through Special Olympics events and competitions, NCAA Division III student-athletes are encouraged to engage and learn from Special Olympics athletes. This promotes citizenship and creates a comprehensive learning experience.
Through an official collaboration, Special Olympics supports the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) and its Champions of Character® program for over 65,000 NAIA student-athletes. Student-athletes and Special Olympics athletes are able to interact, connect and build friendships through participation in existing Special Olympics events, or by the creation of new initiatives.
Alpha Phi Omega
Alpha Phi Omega (APO) is the most represented co-educational intercollegiate organization in the United States which operates under the principles of leadership, friendship and service. In collaboration with Special Olympics, APO chapters are encouraged to host advocacy and Unified Sports events to help strengthen the Special Olympics movement on campus. Locate an APO chapter near you.
Sigma Tau Gamma
Sigma Tau Gamma (STG) is a national collegiate fraternity that are committed to six principles: learning, integrity, excellence, leadership, citizenship and brotherhood. In collaboration with Special Olympics, STG chapters put on events, volunteer and fundraise for Special Olympics. Locate a STG chapter near you.
Take a look at these guides for best practices to bring Special Olympics to your campus.